Lozier Environmental Consulting, Inc.
2011 East Main Street
Rochester, NY 14609
Guide to Environmental Microbiology at Lozier - Water and Food Analysis
Water Analysis Rochester NY
Lozier is certified by the New York State Department of Health Environmental Laboratory Approval Program for the analysis of potable and non-potable waters. Analyses performed in house Include: total coliform bacteria, heterotrophic plate count, fecal coliform, Legionella, and E. coli enumeration. Qualitative and quantitative methods are available for all analyses. We accept chemical analyses including (but not limited to) lead, nitrate/nitrite, arsenic, sodium, manganese, hardness, alkalinity, pH, etc.
Water Testing Courier Schedule
May to October 2024
Starting Tues May 7th, we will be making our weekly stops all over western New York and Finger Lakes Region to pick up water samples to be tested in our lab. This offering is to help ease time restraints on our clients, as well as to regulate sample transport environment. Please inquire within at the businesses listed here.
Please have all samples to their designated drop site by 9AM on the day of pick up.
* If you are in need of having your well water tested, you can also drop samples off at any of these locations or our office. Each site has well water test kits available to make things easier for our clients.
Food Analysis Rochester NY
Lozier Environmental Consulting, Inc. provides food and environmental swab analysis for companies with QA/QC monitoring programs. Food analysis parameters include Aerobic Plate Count, Total Coliform, E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Staphylococci, Yeast, and Mold. Methodology for food analysis is referenced from the Food and Drug Administration Bacteriological Analytical Manual (FDA BAM). Lozier Environmental is now ISO 17025 CERTIFIED as of June 2022.
Mold Analysis
Lozier's expert mycologists' can provide mold identification from the following media:
Surface Samples: Tape Lift, Bulk, Swab (culturable)
Air Samples: Non-Viable Air-O-Cell and BioSis and Viable (culturable).